Project Spotlight: Electric Utility Mapping + Inspection
130 Miles of LiDAR Mapping
Description of Work: Airborne LiDAR data collection capturing overhead electric conductors and supporting structures
Project Specs/Limits: total of 130 miles - 300-foot-wide corridor, 150 feet left and right of the centerline of the crossing overhead electric conductors and supporting structures crossing perpendicular to the main traveled portion of each major highway along with the connected two spans and supporting structures on either side of the highway, which constituted 5 spans of wire and six poles per crossing. There were 109 crossings.
All mapping utilized the client feature codes.
Weather data was acquired during LiDAR data acquisition.
High resolution oblique imagery of the individual transmission line runs.
Geo-referenced digital RGB, high resolution images of the transmission structures.
Deliverables included:
Power Line Systems (PLS-Cadd) file(s) containing all feature coded survey data
Planimetric mapping (.DGN and .DXF)
Digital Orthophotography – 3 inch pixel (.TIF/.ECW)
LiDAR Accuracy reports
Weather data at the time of mapping